Unfinished Human.
Unfinished Human is a 4-week online self-paced workshop to help express love, kindness, and compassion to yourself first.

Some of the most compassionate, kind and loving people I know are also the meanest. No. Not to others. To themselves.
They are the most loving people I know. But when it comes to treating themselves with the same respect, regard, love, kindness, and compassion they express daily to others, they really struggle to give it.
Are you super hard on yourself but can forgive others easily? Do you mental beat yourself when you think you have said or done the wrong thing? Do you belittle and berate yourself when fall, falter or make a wrong move in life?
Maybe you are - like them - too quick to dismiss your skills, talents, and gifts, even to such an extent you think you are not worthy enough to share them? Perhaps you are endlessly seeking the approval of others instead of taking care of your own emotional needs thereby compromising and sacrificing yourself in the process.
Instead of being kind and gentle with yourself - perhaps when you need it most - do you jump on thought trains telling yourself you aren't good enough, valuable enough, or worse, compare your journey - and who you are - with those of others to the detriment of your own confidence, courage, self-esteem, and well-being?
I believe any journey of finding our place in the world and what we do in it is easier if we cultivated a practice of compassion, kindness, and love. In fact, it's necessary. It's not an afterthought. It's the beginning.
Unfinished Human is the start of a cultivation. It's a workshop. It's a place to begin. An opportunity for you to practice daily what you easily offer to others on yourself. With an option of getting support if you would like it along the way.
"Growth is an erratic forward movement: two steps forward, one step back. Remember that and be very gentle with yourself."
I know that many of you arrive at Living Moxie because you are seeking and searching for something to help you increase your courage and confidence and/or explore who you are and what you stand for so you can deploy the most authentic version of yourself into the world.
It has to begin with self-compassion, radical kindness and loving yourself.
I don't know if you've ever tried to build your confidence, raise your self-esteem, or reclaim your courage before but I know - personal and professional experience - it's bloody hard to do without even a little bit of love, compassion and kindness and well, a general like and respect for yourself. It's a struggle. Have you ever tried? Does it feel hard to you?
If you can learn to accept, acknowledge, and appreciate yourself the confidence and courage you want to expand and grow become easier. Why? Because you know that whatever happens, you are okay. You can learn that. To be okay, no matter what.
I had been a personal development trainer and coach for many years - verging on evangelical about the tools - before I even considered that being who you really and exploring your place in the world has to be built on a strong foundation of self-compassion and kindness.
See, most of us learned early in life that that loving who you are was the same as being (arrogantly) in love with yourself.
It's not.
Loving yourself - the practice of giving yourself full permission to accept for yourself the same love, compassion, kindness, and understanding you have for others - is not only crucial to your health and well-being, it also really matters to your own personal development and growth.
This is why:
We have to be gentle with ourselves - not just when we are making life changes - all the time. We can't possibly expect that everything we touch in life is going to go according to our script of how it's going to go. Life happens. Things get in the way. It's what we do and how we treat ourselves when we are faced with our barriers, hurdles, self-doubts, and obstacles that make a difference.
"When we practice compassion, kindness and love for ourselves, it can only ripple out."
Unfinished Human is a 4-week online self-paced workshop.
You can begin Unfinished Human today. Everything is ready for you.
When you register you will be given access to the first day of the course. Every day for the next four weeks I will send you a lesson, a practice or both. It's a gentle course, at a gentle pace. You decide when you move forward with a lesson or a practice as you will have 24/7 access to the material for one year.
Here's what's going to happen. You are going to put aside wanting to be more confident, more courageous and trying so darned hard to 'be better' or 'be enough', or whatever language you use on you. And you are going to learn (or relearn) another language. You are going to open yourself up to practicing and becoming okay with talking the language of self-compassion, self-love and radical kindness.
You're going to go gently with yourself. You are going to spend some time practicing a new way of being. This new way doesn't require you to do anything, it will simply ask you to remember that you are a human being, and hey, stop being so hard on yourself. How are you meant to grow if you keep doing that?
Unfinished Human isn't about completing a course or workshop, it's about practicing what you are learning. Learning from the practice. And using it again and again once the workshop is done.
But, is it for you? Let's see...
- Yes, if you know that in order to reclaim your courage, confidence and self-esteem part of the process of showing (or learning) to be more compassionate, kind and loving with yourself.
- Yes, if you would like to stop judging, criticising, belittling and putting yourself down so harshly.
- Yes, if you feel now is the time to engage self-compassion and self-love in your life.
- Yes, if you want to drop the false stories and practice embracing your own truth and self-expression.
- Yes, if you want to release the need to be approved of by everyone except yourself.
- Yes, if you have ever said 'I want to love myself more' and know that there is nothing 'out there' that will do it for you.
- Yes, if you would like to practice acceptance that mistakes are a part of life, and making more of them won't harm you.
- Yes, if you are willing to practice and accept love, compassion, and kindness for yourself first.
- Yes, if you want to connect the dots between self-love, self-compassion, confidence and self-esteem, and to have the latter you need the former.
- Yes, if you are just done with constant belittling, berating and 'put-me-downs' by you on your own self-worth.
- You want to learn a new language for yourself that lifts, not destroys.
Unfinished Human is not a good fit for people who aren't prepared to practice. It’s not for people who think compassion, kindness, and love is selective. It’s not for people who aren't ready to give to themselves. And it’s not for people who think that this is going to be no effort or work because it is. And if you are not comfortable with humour or an informal and relaxed facilitation style, it's probably not for you.
Unfinished Human is a 4-week workshop to help you lay the foundations of self-compassion and kindness in your own life.
Everything you read in the workshop area can be also be downloaded (lessons, workbooks, practices). The workshop is written in a conversational tone with lots of stories and examples.
Modules (or Lessons) include:
- Coping With Life Challenges
- Paying Attention
- Why We Resist Self-Compassion
- Our Innate Mental Well-being
- Rewiring & Resetting
- Living for Today (not the past or future)
- Understanding for Your Inner Critic
- Self-Talk - For or Against You?
- Suspending Judgement and Sweet Surrender
- Forgiveness (Letting It In, Letting It Go)
- Being In Neutral (The Practice of No Reacting)
- Empathy V's Sympathy
- Coming From Your Authentic Self
- The Challenges) of Compassion
- Quitting Comparison
- The Fear of Compassion
- The Practice of Gratitude and Thanks
- The Foundation is Love
- Writing Well (Journalling)
- Nourishing Yourself
- No Rescue, Just Love
- What to Do On the 'Hard Days'
On that, Unfinished Human isn't a chore, it's not a race to the finish, it's a practice and do workshop. You will get lots from the modules by reading, you will get experience and learning from the doing.
Will you be asked to journal? Sort of. The course does include self-reflective questions. It's just for 4 weeks, and I have already set you the prompts/questions. Easy. And remember, you have two 'rest' days every week where you can spend on the workshop and/or connect with others.
Will you be given 'challenges'? No, not really They are called practices. Little daily practices.

We try really hard to create how we want to feel on the inside by what we do on the outside. We set goals, make plans, go on an exploration of who we are and what we stand for, and try and discover our reason for being here.
And yet, what we really crave is so simple, we want to feel valued, that our dreams matter, that we are worthy and capable and feel supported. And that, that is something we can always do for ourselves first.
Unfinished Human is like taking a life breather for 4 weeks.
You have nothing to match up to.
You have nothing to create or make.
It's simply about learning to be a little bit kinder to yourself, to go gentle, to not have a plan of what you are going do, but have developed a practice of who you want to be when it's time to take action again.
I hope that life throws you the most amazing, wonderful, brilliant opportunities as well as the challenges.
My wish with Unfinished Human is that you have taken the time to cultivate for yourself a practice of self-compassion, self-love, and kindness.